Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of TracInstall

07/16/20 23:23:34 (5 years ago)



  • TracInstall

    v3 v4  
    1 = Trac Installation Guide for 1.3
     1= Trac Installation Guide for 1.4
    4 Trac is written in the Python programming language and needs a database, [ SQLite], [ PostgreSQL], or [ MySQL]. For HTML rendering, Trac uses the [ Jinja2] templating system, though Genshi templates will still be supported until at least Trac 1.5.1.
     4Trac is written in the Python programming language and needs a database, [ SQLite], [ PostgreSQL], or [ MySQL]. For HTML rendering, Trac uses the [ Jinja2] templating system, though Genshi templates are supported until Trac 1.5.1.
    66Trac can also be localized, and there is probably a translation available in your language. If you want to use the Trac interface in other languages, then make sure you have installed the optional package [#OtherPythonPackages Babel]. Pay attention to the extra steps for localization support in the [#InstallingTrac Installing Trac] section below. Lacking Babel, you will only get the default English version.
    7979Alternatively you can configure Trac to run in any of the following environments:
    80  * [ Apache] with 
    81    - [ mod_wsgi], see [wiki:TracModWSGI] and 
     80 * [ Apache] with
     81   - [ mod_wsgi], see [wiki:TracModWSGI] and
    8282     [ ModWSGI IntegrationWithTrac].
    8383   - [ mod_python 3.5.0], see TracModPython
    8686   server (see [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp TracOnWindowsIisAjp])
    8787 * Microsoft IIS with FastCGI and a FastCGI-to-WSGI gateway (see [trac:CookBook/Installation/TracOnWindowsIisWfastcgi IIS with FastCGI])
    88  * a CGI-capable web server (see TracCgi), '''but usage of Trac as a cgi script 
    89    is highly discouraged''', better use one of the previous options. 
     88 * a CGI-capable web server (see TracCgi), '''but usage of Trac as a cgi script
     89   is highly discouraged''', better use one of the previous options.
    9292==== Other Python Packages
    94  * [ Babel], version 0.9.6 or >= 1.3, 
     94 * [ Babel], version 0.9.6 or >= 1.3,
    9595   needed for localization support
    96  * [ docutils], version >= 0.3.9
     96 * [ pytz] to get a complete list of time zones,
     97   otherwise Trac will fall back on a shorter list from
     98   an internal time zone implementation. Installing Babel
     99   will install pytz.
     100 * [ docutils], version >= 0.3.9
    97101   for WikiRestructuredText.
    98  * [ Pygments] for 
     102 * [ Pygments] for
    99103   [TracSyntaxColoring syntax highlighting].
    100104 * [ Textile] for rendering the [ Textile markup language].
    101  * [ pytz] to get a complete list of time zones,
    102    otherwise Trac will fall back on a shorter list from
    103    an internal time zone implementation.
    104105 * [ passlib] on Windows to decode [TracStandalone#BasicAuthorization:Usingahtpasswdpasswordfile htpasswd formats] other than `SHA-1`.
    105106 * [ pyreadline] on Windows for trac-admin [TracAdmin#InteractiveMode command completion].
    153154The optional dependencies can be installed from PyPI using `pip`:
    155 $ pip install babel docutils pygments pytz textile
    156 }}}
     156$ pip install babel docutils pygments textile
     159The optional dependencies can alternatively be
     160specified using the `extras` keys in the setup file:
     162$ pip install Trac[babel,rest,pygments,textile]
     165`rest` is the extra that installs the `docutils`
     168Include `mysql` or `psycopg2-binary` in the
     169list if using the MySQL or PostgreSQL database.
    158171Additionally, you can install several Trac plugins from PyPI (listed [ here]) using pip. See TracPlugins for more information.
    177 [TracAdmin trac-admin] will prompt you for the information it needs to create the environment: the name of the project and the [TracEnvironment#DatabaseConnectionStrings database connection string]. If you're not sure what to specify for any of these options, just press `<Enter>` to use the default value. 
     190[TracAdmin trac-admin] will prompt you for the information it needs to create the environment: the name of the project and the [TracEnvironment#DatabaseConnectionStrings database connection string]. If you're not sure what to specify for any of these options, just press `<Enter>` to use the default value.
    179192Using the default database connection string will always work as long as you have SQLite installed. For the other [trac:DatabaseBackend database backends] you should plan ahead and already have a database ready to use at this point.
    226239=== Running Trac on a Web Server
    228 Trac provides various options for connecting to a "real" web server: 
     241Trac provides various options for connecting to a "real" web server:
    229242 - [TracFastCgi FastCGI]
    230  - [wiki:TracModWSGI Apache with mod_wsgi] 
     243 - [wiki:TracModWSGI Apache with mod_wsgi]
    231244 - [TracModPython Apache with mod_python]
    232245 - [TracCgi CGI] //(should not be used, as the performance is far from optimal)//
    344357Trac uses HTTP authentication. You'll need to configure your webserver to request authentication when the `.../login` URL is hit (the virtual path of the "login" button). Trac will automatically pick the `REMOTE_USER` variable up after you provide your credentials. Therefore, all user management goes through your web server configuration. Please consult the documentation of your web server for more info.
    346 The process of adding, removing, and configuring user accounts for authentication depends on the specific way you run Trac. 
     359The process of adding, removing, and configuring user accounts for authentication depends on the specific way you run Trac.
    348361Please refer to one of the following sections: