Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of TracPermissions

12/09/19 21:34:35 (5 years ago)



  • TracPermissions

    v2 v3  
    4545|| `TICKET_VIEW` || View existing [TracTickets tickets] and perform [TracQuery ticket queries] ||
    4646|| `TICKET_CREATE` || Create new [TracTickets tickets] ||
    47 || `TICKET_APPEND` || Add comments or attachments to [TracTickets tickets] ||
    48 || `TICKET_CHGPROP` || Modify [TracTickets ticket] properties (priority, assignment, keywords, etc.) with the following exceptions: edit description field, add/remove other users from cc field when logged in ||
     47|| `TICKET_APPEND` || Add comments and attachments to [TracTickets tickets], and edit description of ticket the user created ||
     48|| `TICKET_CHGPROP` || Modify [TracTickets ticket] properties (priority, assignment, keywords, etc.) with the following exceptions: edit description of tickets created by others, add/remove other users from cc field when logged in ||
    4949|| `TICKET_MODIFY` || Includes both `TICKET_APPEND` and `TICKET_CHGPROP`, and in addition allows resolving [TracTickets tickets] in the [TracWorkflow default workflow]. Tickets can be assigned to users through a [TracTickets#Assign-toasDrop-DownList drop-down list] when the list of possible owners has been restricted. ||
    5050|| `TICKET_EDIT_CC` || Full modify cc field ||
    51 || `TICKET_EDIT_DESCRIPTION` || Modify description field ||
     51|| `TICKET_EDIT_DESCRIPTION` || Modify description field. User with `TICKET_APPEND` or `TICKET_CHGPROP` can modify description of ticket they created. ||
    5252|| `TICKET_EDIT_COMMENT` || Modify another user's comments. Any user can modify their own comments by default. ||
    5353|| `TICKET_BATCH_MODIFY` || [TracBatchModify Batch modify] tickets ||
    9494|| `CONFIG_VIEW` || Enables additional sections on ''About Trac'' that show the current configuration and the list of installed plugins ||
    9595|| `EMAIL_VIEW` || Shows email addresses even if [TracIni#trac-section trac show_email_addresses] configuration option is false ||
     97== Attachment Permissions
     99Attachment permissions are handled by `LegacyAttachmentPolicy`, and unlike the permissions discussed so far, the permissions provided by `LegacyAttachmentPolicy` are not directly granted. Rather, the ability to create, view and delete attachments is determined by the attachment's parent realm and permissions the user possesses for that realm.
     101The attachment actions are determined by the following
     102permissions in the ticket, wiki and milestone realms:
     103{{{#!table class="listing"
     104||= Granted By: =||= Ticket =||= Wiki =||= Milestone =||
     110If explicit attachment permissions are preferred, `ATTACHMENT_CREATE`, `ATTACHMENT_DELETE` and `ATTACHMENT_VIEW` can be created using the [trac:ExtraPermissionsProvider]. The simplest implementation is to simply define the actions.
     116An alternative configuration adds an `ATTACHMENT_ADMIN` meta-permission that grants the other 3 permission.
     122The explicit permissions can be used in concert with `LegacyAttachmentPolicy`, or `LegacyAttachmentPolicy` can be removed from `permission_policies`, in which case only users that have been explicitly granted the corresponding attachment actions will be able to create, delete and view attachments.
    97124== Granting Privileges